www.fhf-tirol.at / 8: English > Welcome to the Initiative – Women help Women

Welcome to the Initiative – Women help Women

Our association is a counselling institution for women in Tyrol; women can turn to us with all manner of questions and problems.

In addition to general social counselling, in our Center for Women we offer counselling on legal, psycho-social and financial affairs. All discussions can be held anonymously and are free of charge!

In our Battered Women's Shelter in Innsbruck, we can offer protection and shelter for a maximum of 8 women and their children. In addition, we also run three temporary residential facilities in Innsbruck.

Within the framework of ambulant family care, we also offer local support to families over a long period of time.

You can reach us Monday through Thursday from 9 A.M. to 2 P.M
MuseumStr. 10, 6020 Innsbruck
Tel: 0512/580977


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